The 2018 QLD Junior Problem Solving & Blitz Championship was hosted by Topchess on Sunday December 16. This was a Queensland Chess Association endorsed title event held at St Luke's hall, Ekibin. There were 21 students participating in the Problem Solving and 27 competed in the Blitz event! It was a fun day well spent engulfed in the love of chess...congratulations to all of the newly crowned Champions:
Problem Solving
U18 Open - Renjith Sravan
U16 Open - Jayden Ooi
U14 Open - Filip Simic
U12 Open - Masaki Williams
U10 Open - Micah Lo
U8 Open - Michael Dullaway
U18 Girls - Yuehn Xu
U16 Girls - Erin Dullaway
U14 Girls - Aurora Lannon
U12 Girls - Alexandra Lannon
U10 Girls - Isabella Xia
U18 Open - Henry Slater-Jones
U16 Open - Renjith Sravan
U14 Open - Jayden Ooi
U12 Open - Alexavier Ly-Liu
U10 Open - Austin Chen
U8 Open - Kevin Tan
U18 Girls - Yuehn Xu
U16 Girls - Aurora Lannon
U14 Girls - Alexandra Lannon
U12 Girls - Erin Dullaway
